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目前分類:English Practices (3)

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Look!! My artical in English is terrible. After the test of Toeic, I need more practices for literacy.



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 I lived in the countryside during my childhood. The county is an agricultural county in Taiwan, people call it Yun-Lin County (yes, it is the same pronunciation with as somebody from mainland China.). The place is south in of Chang-Hua county and north in of Chia-Yi county, and has is a four hours drivieing distant far from Taipei.

There The county have many fields. Every summer vacation after harvesting, children were hurrying hurried to dig a caves and build a mud ball tents to bake sweet potatos, chickens, eggs and corns. If everything went smoothly, we just waited just for 3 or 4 hours to eat those food, if not….hmmm…come back tomorrow early tomorrow. This is an advantage of living in the countryside, children had have wide ground spaces to run, free time and many games to play. What did neighborhood kids and I played? We played hopscotch, hide and seek, catching tadpoles and butterflies, catching cicadas and ladybugs, jumping rope and even fired fireworks.

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This artical is my English learning diary. Maby I made mamy mistakes in it without considering, I wish those people who fund it, just left message to me. Thanks for your correction.



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